Year 2
Autumn 1
Our topic for the first half term is Houses and Homes. In this topic we will explore how homes have changed through time, from the Celtic roundhouses to modern day homes seen in Waterbeach. This links into our Geography learning about the human and physical geographical features of Waterbeach; both the village and surrounding farmland. We will complete some fieldwork out in the village, observing and discovering which of these geographical features Waterbeach has, including the wonderful Village Green and river as well as the homes, shops and railway.
In music we will be learning songs about castles and in PE we will be creating our own dances linked to the weather. Throughout the term in outdoor PE, we will learning and refining our throwing and catching skills.
In PSHE we will first learn more about having a growth mindset before we learn about rights, rules and responsibilities. We will discuss our school rules, who looks after us and the different responsibilities we have at home and at school.
In RE we will be learning why faith is important to Christians and what they do to celebrate and show their faith in the world.
In Computing, we will be learning about online safety.
Autumn 2
In the second half of the Autumn term our topic will be Marvellous Materials. In Science, we will be investigating the uses of a variety of everyday materials, how we could change the shape of them and what effects they have on the environment. We will work scientifically to investigate and test the best material for a waterproof coat. In our Design Technology learning we will be learning about nutrition as we design, make and evaluate our own delicious soup.
In music we will be singing songs about protecting our planet and learning about the pitch, duration and dynamics of metal, wooden, plastic and body percussion. We will then spend time playing our own musical instruments made from recycled materials as we think of dynamics, duration and pitch.
In Art, we will be learning about sculptures inspired by nature and created by Andy Goldsworthy before we move on to study Barbara Hepworth and design and create our own clay sculptures in her style. I
n RE we will be thinking about why Christmas matters to Christians, reading the Christmas story and where the children might see signs of the Christmas story in their everyday lives leading up to Christmas.
In PE we will be practising different gymnastics positions using a different number of points of contact then creating our own motifs.
In PSHE we will be thinking about our own emotions; naming them, understanding and managing them. We will also focus a series of lessons on anti-bullying; learning the difference between falling out with our friends and bullying, respecting differences and knowing who we can talk to if we have worries about friendship difficulties or bullying.
In Computing we will begin to learn how to code.