Uniform – Dark skirt/Dark trousers, pinafore, white or pale blue shirt or polo shirt, navy sweatshirt or cardigan, plain socks or tights and dark shoes.
PE Kits – House colour t-shirt (red/blue/green/yellow), no buttons, dark plain shorts, plimsolls (preferably with velcro fastening). From Year 1, children will need trainers, jogging bottoms and a tracksuit top for outdoor PE.
We ask that all PE kits kept in a drawstring bag and are left in school every day for each half term. We send home PE kits at the end of each half term for washing during holiday time.
Swimming – In the summer term your child will have the opportunity to swim in our own heated school pool. Your child’s swimming bag will need to contain: a swimming costume, towel, flip-flops or crocs and a spare t-shirt.
After a period of time, we do transfer some items of lost property to our collection of second-hand clothes. We may then try to recycle them by offering them to families. We also purchase some items of clothing for children who are entitled to pupil premium funding on request from parents. If you are interested in any of the above, please contact our office for further assistance.
A range of clothing and school bags with the Waterbeach School logo on, are all available to purchase from the online link. However, we do not insist that the children's clothes have our logo, so parents are able to buy school uniform from outlets of their choice.
It is essential that all clothes, coats, hats and shoes are clearly named so that children and teachers can quickly identify them.