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Year 6


Our topic this term will be ‘Magnificent Mayans’.  

One of the school’s themes is farming and so we shall be establishing how the Mayans farmed and comparing this to the Ancient Egyptians and more modern farming that the children would have studied in previous years. We shall also be exploring some of the Mayan’s religion, their role in chocolate and what technology they used which is still used today in some form. 

In Science we will be investigating properties of materials taking in the differences between reversible and irreversible changes and their importance in everyday life. In RE, we will be answering two key questions: What does it mean to be a Buddhist and can we all be enlightened and What did Jesus do to save human beings. In PSHE, we will be looking at how to work together and financial capability. We shall also be exploring a unit on Relationship and Sex Education. In Computing, we will be understanding how to create and used spreadsheets before moving onto coding using Scratch. In PE, the children will be completing a group sequence in gymnastics before doing a dance unit based around our Mayan topic. For our outdoor sessions, we shall be completing a unit on Tag Rugby and Tennis. In Art, we will be working with clay to create a Mayan sculpture. In D&T, we will be making electrical fan buggies. More information can be found by accessing the ‘Curriculum Captures’ here.