Year 4
Exciting things the children will be learning in the Spring term…
During the first half of the term, we will be doing history, during which we will be learning about The Vikings: who they were, where they settled, and how they travelled around.
In the second half of term, we will be exploring different countries in Europe, particularly Scandinavian countries, as these link to The Vikings. In DT, we will be applying what we have learnt about Viking longships to build our own ships out of card, using levers to create moving oars.
In science, for our ‘Animals Including Humans’ topic, the children will be learning about the digestive system and teeth. In the second half of the term, we will be learning all about how to classify animals, as well as how the habitats in which they live are changing.
In RE, we will be answering two key questions: ‘Why do people make pilgrimages?’ and ‘Why do Christians call the day that Jesus died Good Friday?’.
In PSHE, we will be thinking about the places we feel safe, gender stereotypes, working together, and relationships and sex education (RSE).
In PE, the children will be learning about the principles of rotation in gymnastics, as well as creating their own Haka inspired dances. For our outdoor sessions, we will be doing Tri-golf and tennis.
In Art, we will be learning about collage techniques in the style of Matisse and how the artist used colour in his work.
In addition, we will also be continuing our fortnightly Forest School sessions on Wednesday afternoons. This will start Wednesday 15th January.
More information can be found by accessing the Curriculum Captures on the school website.